Interoperability Overview
Interoperability is defined as the ability for computer software to communicate with one another. The Bienville Group offers consulting with Greenway Health, which offers communication between various technology systems. Interoperability is important for your practice because it allows patients to receive the best care at your practice but also if they are being transferred to emergency care or to the care of another physician.
Why is interoperability important?
Interoperability is important because it offers platforms to connect that allow better care for the patient. When your providers are able to look at patient information from across a variety of software, then they are able to make better-informed decisions in regards to the patient’s health.
Having instant access to data can be lifesaving for patients as their patient health information, or PHI, can be transmitted nearly immediately. This is even more important if they are going into the emergency room or being treated by another physician.
Are there any dangers with interoperability?
Interoperability must be done correctly in an effort to keep patient health information (PHI) safe and secure. If your practice is not comfortable with this, then it is extremely important to get help when implementing these changes. The Bienville Group has years of experience in this area and will be happy to help.
There are three main problems seen with interoperability. First, patient information must be transferred in a timely, accurate, and complete matter. If it is not, then there can be many problems with quality and integrity. Secondly, many Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems are not equipped to handle large amounts of patient information. This is why a consultation with The Bienville Group is so important. We can ensure that the EMR that you choose is a perfect fit for your practice. Lastly, the proper information must be able to be sent in the original context to ensure the best care for your patients.
How does Greenway Health handle interoperability?
Not only can Greenway Health allow you to connect with various other platforms to transfer data, but you can also connect Greenway Health to medical devices. With the connectivity to top device vendors, your practice can easily handle daily operations. They also offer an open-platform technology with applications programming interface, or API.
What can be transferred through the various Electronic Medical Records systems?
Through interoperability with Greenway Health, you can transfer a variety of information such as patient demographics, immunization records, financial information, scheduling, any clinical documents, upcoming laboratory and radiology orders, lab results, transcribed reports, pathology reports, etc.
Why choose The Bienville Group for Interoperability consulting?
The Bienville Group offers consulting with Greenway Health, which is one of the most open platforms to interoperability. In many other programs, they may require needless yet expensive connection add-ons. Greenway Health allows your practice to connect systems and unlock various data to provide the best care possible for your patient.
Interoperability also allows you to remain independent. You will be able to exchange information with other healthcare practices and improve patient care, all while remaining independent.