Government Regulatory Consulting

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Government Health Care Regulatory Programs Overview

It is crucial to stay compliant with various government regulations, even though it may seem impossible to achieve. If you are not compliant with these government regulations, then your practice is at serious risk for penalties, fines, and damage to the reputation of your practice. The Bienville Group specializes in aiding your practice to understand the regulations and keeping in compliance.

How can my practice stay up to date with new regulations?

Regulations are always changing, and unless you have someone on staff that is dedicated to studying these changes full time, then you need help. The Bienville Group is dedicated to monitoring and studying these changes in regulations, and then providing the proper support and training to your staff and providers. We will also help to ensure that you are meeting the reporting and auditing requirements that are put forth by the government.

What happens if I am not up to date with new regulations?

If your practice is not up to date with the new regulations, then this can be costly for your practice. Not only may you need to spend unnecessary amounts of money, but you may also be leaving money on the table. It is also known to be very damaging to a practice’s reputation if they are not up to date as well. It is imperative to your practice to stay up to date on these regulations are they are always changing.

What are government regulations in health care?

There are a variety of government regulations in health care. The main two that The Bienville Group specializes in is HIPAA and MIPS and MACRA. All government regulations in health care must be properly followed and it is likely to save your practice money to have The Bienville Group help direct and navigate you through these regulations.

What is CMS?

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, also known as CMS, is over most of the regulations that are found in healthcare. CMS is directly responsible for ensuring your practice is compliant with HIPAA, MIPS, and MACRA. CMS falls under the Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS. CMS is responsible for managing national health care programs that affect most Americans. The main goal of CMS is to provide the highest level of health care, easily accessible coverage, and improved health for all.

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Healthcare Regulatory Navigators

Merit-based Incentive Payment System

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The Bienville Group’s consulting services help your healthcare organization successfully comply with Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) & MACRA objectives

Risk Analysis

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What can The Bienville Group do for me?

The Bienville Group is an expert in government regulations and can save your practice money, and even make your practice more money, by going through a risk assessment, seeing any weaknesses, correcting them, and then continually training your providers and staff on any changes to the regulations.

Regulations are always changing and if you do not have a team of full-time staff working to learn and implement these changes, then it is likely that your practice is not going to be in compliance. Let The Bienville Group handle these stressful regulation changes for you. Give us a call today for your consultation!

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